Sunday, 26 August 2018

Let's continue!

We are back!
This intro isn't going to be long. We continuing where we stopped. You guys know the deal. LIKE. COMMENT  SHARE and do all of this on whatever social media site you received the link for this post.
The only limits you have
Are the ones
You put there 


FOCUS on your goals. How do you do that? You don't make it a goal. You make it a habit.

If you plan to be the greatest than act like it. Be it.

Today as you would've picked up is about goals and successful behavior.

To reach your goals it is necessary that you embody the values and behaviors associated with your goal. Make them a habit. This will improve your mental progress towards your personal success. It is a method that many prominent leaders have used to ensure their success.
Once this habit becomes an instinct, this is the objective.

You become your instincts and therefore you will become an entity that is constantly striving to be great. Through this you will become great.

Before you begin your voyage towards your goals. EVALUATE YOUR GOALS this is extremely important. Move toward the correct goals then after assure that you reach them.


Many people believe that we as the youth are free. That there is nothing holding us back. But the reality is that there are still chains on our ankles they've just been loosened. As leaders it is our mandatory duty create a free world for the youth to come after us. Mandela once said,
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." 

This month's poem is "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou 

Today we continue with the generation topic and it's impact on us as the youth and further generations after us. 

We will identify the issues that the previous generation left us with. 

The main issue is the tattered state of the world's economics. Almost every country in Africa has a large population of it's people unemployed and currently experiencing poverty. This leaves us as the youth disadvantaged and once the previous generation is gone we must find a way to ensure that the next generation is more privileged than we are. This is to ensure the progression of people and their standard of living. 
    There are countless ways to help yourself as an individual in facing these issues. But let us not forget, a great leader is not a person who has reached greatness but has assured that his/her people has reached greatness. Therefore ensuring that everyone escapes the trap.

     We will not continue to discuss this, but rather prefer that you the audience and leaders comment on any other issues, how we can solve them as a collective and can we even solve them. PLEASE COMMENT ON THE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE YOU RECEIVED THE LINK FROM.


The quote we will be sharing speaks on maturity and leadership. It was taken from a 17 year black south African male. He said
"Maturity is not an age but rather a mindset. You do not have to be a specific age to inspire and lead others and you don't need to be a specific age to be mature in what you do. "

That's it for now. GENERATION Y has now decided to post every month. This is to allow the max amount of input from our side as well as yours.

Please continue to support and PLEASE COMMENT ON THE SOCIAL MEDIA THAT YOU RECEIVED THE LINK FOR THIS Post. Send us your comments and input and pictures and images so we can use them

Until next time

Serenity is key 

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