Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Continuing the journey


What is up good people! We hope you have had a great and prosperous week. We are going to continue everything we started. Thank you for all the new viewers from last week. If you are new don't feel afraid to comment and follow. But without further delay let's get into it.


Last week we started our journey through mind power as well as spiritual development that will assist in reaching your own personal goal.
We spoke on focus last week and how focus will help you with any goals you wish to attain.

Today we are all about "why?"

  Probably one of the most underrated but yet most prominent questions anyone should ask themselves. "why".
All great inventions are made for a reason, an invention without a purpose or without a reason is a waste. You as an aspiring leader must think similarly. Everything that you do should have a reason. Be it making a sandwich, if you are making a sandwich for the sake of simply making a sandwich does it make a difference if the sandwich was even made. This is what you don't want as a leader. As a leader of your own life you want to have a lasting impact on your life.
And the only way this is achieved is through having a reason. Having a reason that the result of your actions will fulfill.

We need to realize the power of "why?"

Asking yourself, "why" creates a larger affinity for whatever you aspire to do. Having this larger affinity is important as it will cause an increase in your productivity and efficiency.

So take time to meditate on why you do specific things to reach your personal goals.

We'll continue to provide advice and techniques on mental and spiritual development to help you improve your efficiency and reach your goals.


This quote is so true in many aspects. What we love about these quotes is that they will occur from the strangest conversations as well as the strangest people. This week's quote is from a child who said this after I spoke to him about how tired I was after exams and how I still need more energy to become a greater person. Here's what he told me

"Just be a superhero. " - 7 year old boy

Remember to give your thoughts on the quote and don't be afraid to comment a quote. Just please put the source of the quote and drop a story behind it.

We are continuing the topic we had last week.

Last week we pointed out that millennials apparently are an issue and that we are entitled.

This is simply a widely thought of opinion.
One of the reasons that is provided as evidence as to why we are supposedly lazy and narcissistic and entitled is we grew up receiving awards for minimal effort. An example is the participation award that many sports acknowledge as an award.

The generation before us, Generation X, find this as our greatest downfall. Now, generation x is approximately between 1960 till 1980. They are the generation where they had to discover the world on their own, they had to be innovative to get through whatever they needed to. That's how they grew up.

We, generation Y, grew up differently. We had a support system of some kind as we aged. There are more available ways for us to discover new parts of the world (figuratively speaking). We are the generation where everyone is trying to be included.

Gen X VS Gen Y.
Gen X although have been a credited with being the creative generation. There are also downfalls within their characteristics. For example, due to their lack of an emotional support system they tend to bottle up their emotions. Compared to Gen Y whereby there are multiple ways in which we are able to express whatever we feel, but there is a downside to this as we are well supported so it's a struggle standing on our own.

Is being in Gen Y a bad thing?
If so, why and how?

Let's get your comments on your experiences as a member of Gen Y or Gen X and how you feel about Gen Y, Gen X and even Gen Z. Comment below


Today's poem is short but will leave a mark on you. It is of a mother who adores the innocence in her child and her fear of the outside world which can easily taint that innocence. We can all relate on how the reality of the world tainted our innocence be it believing in Santa or seeing war.
But as future leaders we can assure that future generations will keep their innocence a bit longer. Here is "Child" by Sylvia Plath

_Hello good people!!
Thank you for viewing,commenting,following. We please ask that you don't be greedy, SHARE THIS WITH FRIENDS. Share with anyone and everyone. Remember everything that you do will assist another person.
Till next week.

We leave you with this

Nothing stops you from flying 

1 comment:

  1. A thought provoking message... I love how you'd like us to be inquisitive and present in all our actions... And how we are not supposed to realisef our being is imperative. Good work and I am looking forward to more inspiring messages....
