Thursday, 16 January 2020



GENERATION Y is here to assist you,the aspiring young leader, to be great and impact the world.

We are extremely appreciative of the amount of support we have received and we would like to say thank you to all the viewers before we begin with today's post



 Welcome back! Over the past few weeks we have gone through recognizing your individual purpose an d fully valuing the potential that your individual purpose holds.

Today we are going to end the discussion of individual purposes by going through, reaching or striving for your individual potential on a daily basis.

You need to make sure that in every single day you get closer to manifesting the potential of your individual purpose into reality.

To do so requires an unbreakable determination to want to reach your individual purpose, which should be present after valuing your individual purpose. And once you have placed enough value into your unique purpose and fully understood it ( as discussed in our previous post "WELCOME BACK", you should simply apply focus and effort to moving towards your purpose on a daily basis.

Ensure that you align your values and your value system with your purpose as this will ultimately lead to achieving your purpose at a faster rater an with less struggle. Once your values are aligned with your purpose you will begin to be moving towards your purpose unconsciously and achieving greatness, in respect to your purpose, will become second nature.

If you would like to personally continue this discussion or comment on it, please contact us at the email address at the bottom of the post or comment on the post and we will get back to you. But otherwise CONTINUE TO GROW EVERYDAY TOWARDS YOUR PURPOSE.

Next time we will be starting a new discussion! If you would like to help or suggest any new topics that you would like for us to discuss please comment your topic on this post or send an email to the address below.



After discussing all that we have discussed in the previous posts about how we as the youth and aspiring leaders can change the world and society. We would like to discuss if we actually have that much of an impact.

Do we have enough hold and real power in this current society to create real change?

Can we create a large enough change in the political, socio-economical and environmental standpoint that we find ourselves in? 

And can we really alleviate problems that the world has been facing for decades such as war, poverty and insufficient resources for everyone?

When in a world where there is a percentage of people who live life extremely lavishly through greed and corruption and a larger percentage live with nothing and must suffer due to the decisions taken by those in power, where there are those of us who live in freedom ( no matter how false it may be ) and there are others who are still slaves, we need to ask these questions.

And we will be going through these questions and see what verdict we reach. And PLEASE add your input by commenting on this post or by emailing the address at the bottom of the screen. Thank you.


Today's poem merely personifies freedom and will act as an intro to the discussion we will be starting next wee in our "SOCIETY" section, as we all need to understand freedom and share it.


This week's quote, as simplistic as it may be, really gives insight to human nature and causes controversy to a well-known expression.

"People don't change, they grow" - the boy who slept on my couch.

If you hear or have a quote you would like us to share please comment it on this post or email the address below.

We would like to thank you for supporting us. We appreciate it immensely. We are here to assist you in achieving your greatness and becoming a great leader. 

If  you have any comments or thoughts or statements that you would like to share please contact us in the comment section or at the e-mail address given below. 

Share your own personal poems or artworks as well and we might feature them in future posts.


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